How To Run A Virtual Event

Virtual events are a great way to connect with working professionals and expand your network.

Motivation Technology
  • Release Date: 20 October 2023
  • Update Date: 15 March 2024
  • Author: Speaker Agency
How To Run A Virtual Event

Virtual events are a great way to connect with working professionals and expand your network. A virtual event is essentially an event that's held online. They can be held in the form of webinars that are invite-only. They can also be viewed as live streams that are available for public viewing. Some virtual events like conferences can require attendants to show paid passes. There are social media events that are informal as well, such as live tweeting. 

Usually, a virtual event will take place on virtual event platforms like Instagram or X. This allows you to connect directly with the audience using the video chat option or voice call option. There are also virtual event platforms that allow you to host webinars and that can be used for conferences. These are specialized platforms, but lately their popularity has been increasing. 

Why Host Virtual Events?

As a virtual event coordinator, you may be interested in how to run a virtual event. But let's look at what host virtual events in the first place. The biggest benefit that you can enjoy, is that compared to real world events, virtual events are far less expensive to host. You don't need to rent out a large space and will be able to reach people across the world with your virtual event. 

There are some disadvantages as well. Since your attendants won't be physically present at the event, some of them may not be able to connect with your event. Some people who don't have good quality audio or video on their devices might not be able to enjoy the event as well. But for the majority, virtual events can be a great way to network remotely. 

Why Host Virtual Events?

What Are The Different Kinds Of Virtual Events?

If you're looking for virtual event ideas, then there are several kinds of virtual events that you can host. Here are some of the more popular kinds of virtual events: 

  • Networking events
  • Team building events 
  • Fundraising events 
  • Hiring events
  • Shopping events 
  • Social events 

These are some ways of hosting virtual events for you to try: 

  • Live Tweeting: Post tweets actively and offer commentary to the audience. You could cover a conference or a sporting event. 
  • Virtual Workshop: Allows you to train a large number of people virtually. If you can't provide face to face instruction, then virtual workshops are the way to go. 
  • Virtual Conferences: Attendees can interact with each other during the conference and can even collaborate on their ideas. 
  • Ask Me Anything: These are usually found on Reddit, but can be tried on other virtual platforms as well. Take time giving your answers and ensure that you're being thorough. 
  • Webinars: Allows you to connect with professionals from all across the world. You can build your reputation while expanding your network in the virtual space. 
  • Live Streams: Connect with your existing audience and reach new audiences through live streams on apps like Instagram. Build awareness for your brand, share your ideas and grow your reach. 

Organizing successful virtual events is easier than you think. Good virtual event management can help you with hosting online events effectively. 

Tips On Virtual Event Management

Virtual Event Management

Here are some virtual event planning tips to help you with hosting your next event: 

1. Set SMART Goals 

Before you host your event, set SMART goal. These are goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time based. 

2. Choose Your Platform 

There are several virtual event platforms available to you. Look through these platforms and see what features you can use. 

3. Timing Your Event

Think about how many people you would like at your event. Will they be in different parts of the world? If they are then their time zones may be different. Think about holidays in different countries as well, since different countries have different holidays. 

4. Promoting The Event 

You'll need to promote your event if you want people to attend. Your promotion should be done well in advance so attendees are aware when it's happening and how they'll be able to participate. 

5. Create Your Agenda 

Having a timetable is important for virtual events too. Don't keep the attendees waiting but provide them with information on when your speakers will be speaking and for how long. 

6. Engaging The Audience 

Plan out ways to actively involve your audience in the event. Ask them to communicate with each other and to have questions ready to ask the host. 

7. Troubleshooting 

You could need to use more than one platform. Keep an extra platform in mind in case there are any technical difficulties. Troubleshoot your virtual event technology ahead of time.

These are some of the best practices for virtual event management that you should know about. 


After the event, you should send your attendees information on how to access recordings of the event. Remember to sit down and connect with the team that helped you host the virtual event as well. Virtual events are becoming more popular and they tend to attract a large audience. Use the tips in this guide to host your next virtual event. 

At Speaker Agency, you can find speakers who can offer advice and insights on how to host better virtual events. Get in touch with them today through Speaker Agency. 

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