As a woman working in a corporate environment, it can be challenging to be heard and feel confident. It’s especially true if you’re working in a male-dominated company, field, or industry. What will help you out the most is reviewing how women are changing the world and learning more about some of the most inspirational women in history.
The most inspiring women and inspirational women, in general, can truly empower you to stand up for yourself and ensure that your voice is heard and that people see you. It’s not only beneficial to review this information for your professional life and career but can also work to boost your mental health and outlook as well.
A woman who feels empowered has the chance and ability to change the world. Well-known women from Audrey Hepburn to Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and actor-humanitarian Emma Watson have done this and continue to make waves and a difference in today’s world.
The need exists and women want to be treated with respect and paid fairly. It’s not just about achieving gender equality but is also a demand to receive simple human decency in professional interactions and in life. While challenges are still present today, people like Kamala Harris are reinforcing this idea that she and others will not be apologetic for their femaleness.
Strong women role models like Angelina Jolie and Shonda Rhimes didn’t get to where they are today and make their impact by chance. These women worked hard and stood up for what they believed in and became leaders in their careers and in the public eye.
The more you can step up and speak up, the more likely it is that other women will do the same. The ripple effect is real and it works in many scenarios. Not only are women changing the world but the ripple effect changes the world as well.
The Melinda Gates Foundation has made it clear and called out the importance of women having the same tools and being treated equally so that all women can unleash their full potential. When one woman decides to use her voice and feel empowered then this energy trickles down to her family and the greater community. Seeing is believing.
Another matter to address is the idea of empowerment and digging deeper into this concept will help to reveal its efficacy to help achieve this goal.
From United States to Germany to New Zealand, politicians, artists and influential women across the globe are positioning themselves in the driver’s seat and not looking back.
Some examples are former Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, former first lady and secretary of state Hillary Clinton, Angela Merkel and Lorde.
These strong women used and continue to use their platforms to bring awareness around issues that impact women and empower them. In the fight against global poverty, women are the secret weapon, and as a group can work together to improve human life and productivity.
Everyone should be on board to help empower women since it would benefit the world and all of mankind.
As a woman in the workplace or a corporate environment, you probably are wondering how to go about feeling more empowered at work. It is possible to empower women in the workplace and can be done when people give more light to the matter. It’s not only about following prominent women such as the prime minister or the vice president
Supreme Court as well as the 100 most powerful women out there to hear what they have to say, but it’s also equipping yourself with the right tools to feel more inspired and motivated.
You can’t be afraid to stand up for yourself and have standards. Be a warrior and find time for self-care so that you have the mental and physical energy to fight for what it is you want and to be heard.
It’s not only about you working toward feeling more empowered but you can also empower each other and other women by celebrating one another’s successes and backing each other up in the workplace. Provide opportunities for other women if you’re in a leadership or management role at your company and be a good role model yourself.
Make sure that women at your workplace have a seat at the table and establish a mentorship program for the women at your company.
When it comes to women changing the world such as Nikita Gill, who believes and has said, create armies win kingdoms and wars, it’s all about taking a risk and choosing hope over assuming where you stand today is your final destination.
A good example is Malala Yousafzai who began fighting for girls as an education activist in Afghanistan to become the youngest Nobel Peace Prize laureate and who has not only made a name for herself but is also viewed as a woman who is changing the world.
In fact, every great leader who has walked this earth would agree that armies that sustain themselves are armies that will win wars. Take the time to review the New York Times most influential people and women and learn more about how they got to where they are today and what advice they have for women who are trying to empower themselves and change the world.
To win the right to vote, effectively opening the path for women's political participation.
A kingdom who can have female monarchs surely had to have bestowed this most basic and crucial of powers to half their population.
African American civil rights activist Rosa Parks is largely accepted as the mother of Civil Rights Movement. Her impact was to open the pathway for generations of women from Oprah Winfrey to former first lady Michele Obama, from the wonderful Beyonce to legendary Serena Williams.
Female empowerment is also about having role models at the very senior levels of a company, country or any organisation including the family unit! The longest serving monarch in the history of the royal family is Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth II who was crowned in 1952.
Our very own Alexandra Adams UK's first deaf/blind person studying to become a doctor said "It's not my disabilities that's the biggest challenge; it is the misconceptions, stereotypes and ignorance of other people that is the most difficult"
The truth is that the impact of women changing the world and inspirational women in history is significant and noteworthy.
Many initiatives and policies that support and honour women and girls around the world have arisen from these efforts. There are a wide variety of organisations that are on board with addressing the gender and pay gap and who want to make a difference as well.
Girls’ education also plays a role in helping curb the public health crisis. It’s truly saving and changing lives for the better especially in the third world.
Young girls across the globe should be supported from a very young age to celebrate themselves, equipped with self love, appreciation and knowledge of the global journey of women before them. International women's day celebrates all women and girls and trans women, women with obvious or hidden disabilities, women advocating for equal pay.
If you’re looking to feel more empowered in the workplace and enhance your career, then do take the time to read inspirational women quotes, read biographies of inspirational female leaders from different walks of life and different racial, sexual and cultural intersections. Learn more about how these women carved a new and more rewarding path for themselves.
Whether you are a Boomer, Millennial, Gen Z or C-Suite, Gen Alpha, it’s never too late to make a change and have your voice heard and your wishes for having women experience more rewarding lives and careers granted.