The Voice Of Gen Z And The Future Of Social Responsibility

Gen Z, also known as Zoomers, refers to the demographic that directly follows the Millenials. They are generally people who were born in the late 1990s, all the way to the early 2010s.

  • Release Date: 30 October 2023
  • Update Date: 15 March 2024
  • Author: Speaker Agency
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Gen Z, also known as Zoomers, refers to the demographic that directly follows the Millenials. They are generally people who were born in the late 1990s, all the way to the early 2010s. They are known for being politically and socially responsible and for their activism. To be exact, they are the people born between 1997 and 2012.

The oldest members of the Gen Z are currently in their mid-20s. But for nearly a decade, Zoomers have been letting their voices be heard, especially when it comes to environmental and social matters. Social responsibility is a huge keyword for Gen Z. Their activism is aimed at preserving the planet not just for their generation, but also Future generations.

Who Are Gen Z?

Youth activism and social responsibility are closely linked with Gen Z. They are the first generation in the world to have been born in a rapidly digitally evolving world. They grew up with technology in their hands and many of them grew up as digital natives, using the internet from an early age. This gives them easy access to information from around the world. The Gen Z meaning is 'generation Z'. Through their formative years, they've witnessed major economic crises, climate change, a global pandemic, and much much more. This has inspired social responsibility in Gen Z, making them a generation known for their social activism.

The Characteristics Of Gen Z 

Knowing their characteristics can help you with attracting Gen Z. These are the qualities that Gen Z are mainly known for:

  • Social Activism: From being a voice in politics to protesting corporate practices, Gen Z strive to make positive changes in the world. They want to preserve the world for future generations.
  • Being Money Driven: More people who are Gen Z openly talk about saving money and being money driven. They look for support from their banks, which can be good for finance brands since not all banks provide this support.
  • Open About Mental Health: Gen Z is also open about dealing with mental health issues. From anxiety to depression, not only are they more likely to talk about their mental health, they are also more likely to seek treatment.
  • Setting Boundaries: Gen Z knows how to set their boundaries. The reject the 'hustle culture' that Millenials were known for and prefer a more balanced approach to work and their personal lives.
  • Technologically Savvy: Gen Z is better than every generation ahead of them at using and managing technology. They grew up at a time when technological advances were common with every year. This makes them adept at using and keeping up with new technology.
  • Using Social Media: Gen Z was the first generation to completely grow up around social media. Gen Z uses social media as a search engine even, getting answers from other people. They go to TikTok to look for answers before they go to the Google search engine.
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The Difference Between Millenials And Gen Z

Millenials are the generation that precedes Gen Z. They are the people born between 1982 and 2000. Older Millenials are already in their 40s while Gen Z has yet to make it into their 30s. Social responsibility is something that Millenials and Gen Z approach very differently. Gen Z's role in shaping social responsibility is tremendous, as this generation believes that they can make positive changes to their society through activism. Millenials weren't known for being activists, but rather for their approach to work, known as 'hustle culture'.

A core difference is also that Millenials were raised in a boom economy, where money was available and people had good jobs. Gen Z on the other hand, grew up during a bust economy. There were jobs and money was an issue. This has affected how both these generations approach the world.

There are other differences as well, such as:

  • Gen Z reports feeling more anxious than Millenials. Their anxiety is often about the future. They are more open than Millenials when it comes to discussing mental health issues as well.
  • Gen Z believes in supporting important causes, such as diversity. They are passionate about tackling social issues and want to actively participate in changing society. Millenials were diverse as a generation but they didn't necessarily see diversity as a cause to be promoted.
  • Gen Z is more likely to identify as LGBTQA+ than Millenials. To Gen Z, gender is a fluid concept and they are comfortable discussing their identity with others.
  • Gen Z actively believes that they should speak up about social and political issues, especially when compared to Millenials.

The millenial versus Gen Z debate can go on, but these were the central differences between them. The future of social responsibility inspired by Gen Z can fuel the next generation to take up social causes as well. Even the Gen Z worker is different from the Millenial worker. 

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Social responsibility trends among Gen Z may change, and how this generation speaks up may change, but Gen Z are closely linked to making real changes in the world. Gen Z perspectives on social responsibility have affected Millenials, Gen Alpha and other demographics as well. Gen Z had made it easier for people to openly speak against injustice and demand positive changes in the world.

Get in touch with Speaker Agency to learn all about Gen Z and their impact on social responsibility, from a trusted speaker. Find out more about this generation and what inspired social responsibility in them.

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