What is Freelancing and How to be a Freelancer?

A freelancer’s office is wherever they are — at home or in a cafe. But what is freelancing, how do you become one, and what careers can you pursue? Here is your guide answering all the above.

  • Release Date: 12 August 2024
  • Author: Speaker Agency
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Today, whenever you walk into a cafe, you’ll find at least two people working on their laptops. If they are not watching or downloading movies, they are probably freelancers. Their office is wherever they are, at home or that cafe!

But what is freelancing in the first place? What is a freelancing job, and is it easy to get a job as a freelancer?

Let’s find out.

What is Freelancing?

Freelancing is an unrestricted work model that allows skilled people to work part-time or on a contractual basis. Traditional arrangements necessitate a total commitment to one company. However, this isn’t the case with freelance work. Freelancers can work and collaborate with multiple clients at one particular time.

This accords freelancers autonomy over their projects, working hours, and payment rates.

What Can You Do as a Freelancer?

Freelancers are this age’s superheroes; they do it all!

If there is a career out there, there is probably a freelancer in that field. Whether in healthcare, finance, e-commerce, logistics, or the creative industries. Freelancers dominate all industries!

All 1.54 billion of them!

But wait!

Before quitting your day job for freelance work, here are a few conditions:

  • Skill Set Acquisition: Securing a freelancing contract requires a specific skill set, whether technical or creative. This skill acquisition process might take a while, but once you have proof of expertise, you can start your freelance work.
  • Proactiveness: Any freelancer simply sitting and waiting to secure a job magically never gets it! However, a proactive one that checks out multiple freelancing websites and applies to various jobs almost always gets at least one. Proactiveness also extends skill-sharpening, communication, client, and financial management.
  • Self-Discipline: Becoming a freelancer requires immense self-motivation, dedication, discipline, and sacrifice. Since you are your boss, all business operations rely on these conditions.
  • Continuous Learning: Freelancers must constantly improve their job offerings through constant learning. This means participating in workshops, programs, courses, and collaborations that elevate their services.
  • Organization: Freelance work relies heavily on structure. Being organized helps you plan your work days, projects, and expenditures. It includes using technology to streamline client, project, and finance management.
  • Honesty: Openness and transparency are mandatory for a freelancer to thrive. Working with openness assures your clients you’re trustworthy. It instills confidence that you’ll deliver exceptional work on time. Transparency also helps you set reasonable rates that cover all your costs.
What Is Freelancing Job

The Benefits of Freelancing

Freelancing meanings are inseparable from autonomy — which doubles down as the first benefit. Freelancers significantly differ from traditional full-time employees in autonomy over projects, partners, and income. You basically set the terms — who to partner with and the rates to set. You also set the working hours, rates, and other constraints aligning with the client’s.

But this independence is just one of the many perks. The other benefits are:

Lower Expenditures

Freelance work requires financial prerequisites such as internet connectivity and sometimes software subscriptions. Traditional jobs require commuting, fuel, lunch, and other expenses. Freelancing lowers these expenditures because you work from wherever you are.

Work-life Balance

The freedom to control your schedule means no more rigid office hours! It also means no more missed school plays or mid-week doctor’s appointments. The freedom to set your working hours around your life ensures you work when you’re available, day or night.

Choosing the projects you work on and their locations also supports a balanced life. This is because you only engage in projects you find exciting. Because of this, you perform optimally and never suffer from burnout.

Potential for Higher Income

The freedom to work with multiple clients creates a channel to earn more. You can choose one major long-term project and select smaller ones that run on shorter terms. This way, you will continually earn from multiple projects. If you plan well, every day or week can be a payday or week.

The only catch is that you must be able to deliver quality work for all clients.

Potential for Diverse Industry Exposure

You get exposed to many sectors if you offer a generalized service, such as a creative or administrator.

A freelance copywriter can work on pieces related to finance, healthcare, lifestyle, and technology. The same applies to freelancing web developers, photographers, or virtual assistants. This daily exposure to new content ensures you expand your knowledge base.

Unfortunately, highly specialized or technical freelancers have a narrower access to this benefit. For example, a freelance ADHD mental health therapist can only work on specific projects.

The Challenges of Freelancing

What Is Freelance Work

Freelancing is lucrative, but it isn’t a walk in the park! The freelancing industry comes with uncertainties beyond one's control. Some of these challenges are:

Job Security

Freelancing can be shaky, especially for beginners. Skill, work experience, and client acquisitions might take longer than you anticipate, causing worry.

Working per project or contract is yet another factor threatening your job security. Once a project or contract ends, you revert to square one.

This rat race never ends, and you must be committed to it to win it!

Inconsistent Income

One day, you can earn thousands of dollars; the next, zero!

This is the reality of freelance work, which calls for strategic planning. Always plan. Ensure you’re always job-searching a few weeks before a contract or project ends. Doing this right ensures you earn throughout the year.

Finding Motivation

Since no one oversees your operations, you might need more motivation to avoid slacking.

The solution is always to be proactive in solving any motivational dips. Take breaks, practice mindfulness, and even seek validation from mentors. Motivational speakers could also help you stay motivated.


Pursuing freelance work solo causes isolation.

The solution is to seek workspaces with like-minded freelancers. Connect through online communities, webinars, and physical conferences. You can also join a co-working space to beat loneliness.


Now that you understand what is freelance work, are you ready for the rollercoaster ride?

Going uphill requires skill accusation, proactiveness, self-discipline, and continuous learning. It also entails perfecting organizational skills and practicing honesty throughout. At the top, you celebrate reduced expenditures and work-life balance. Higher income and exposure to diverse industries are also part of the package.

Despite all this, you might still need help with job security, inconsistent income, and loneliness. But fret not—now you have the solutions.

Knowing all this, can you hack freelancing?

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