Fashion Speakers

Fashion Speakers

Dive into the dynamic world of style and creativity with our Fashion Speakers. From runway trends to sustainable fashion, these experts share insights into the ever-evolving industry, inspiring your audience to embrace innovation, express individuality, and make a bold statement through their personal and professional style.

Candice Brathwaite New
Candice Brathwaite Critically acclaimed writer | Presenter | TV personality
Dr. DION Terrelonge CPsychol New
Dr. DION Terrelonge CPsychol Fashion Psychologist, Researcher, Consultant
  • Dressing for success: Is there any science in it?
  • Personal style and wellbeing
  • Towards a circular economy: Psychological barriers and ways forward
Leanne Elliott Young New
Leanne Elliott Young CEO & Co-Founder of Institute of Digital Fashion
Lottie Hulme New
Lottie Hulme Sun Showbiz Reporter, TikTok Star, Presenter, Event Host, Former Showbiz & Lifestyle Reporter at OK! Magazine, Red Carpet Host
Mónica Muriel New
Mónica Muriel CEO and Founder of Zurita Madrid and NEST Solutions
  • Sustainability as an Act of Faith
  • Stilettos, Veils, Corsets, and Women's Liberation
  • Driving Your Company in Circles
Ryan Zaman New
Ryan Zaman Founder at Alloy Worldwide | Project Manager, Writer, Inclusion Consultant | DEI
  • Corporate DEI with special focus on LGBTQIA+ and Disabled communities, as well as intersectionality in general
  • Diversity v inclusion
  • Importance of authentic representation
Sadie Clayton New
Sadie Clayton Creator, Educator & Innovator: Artist Specialising in Copper, Art & Culture TV Appearances & An Advocate for Diversity and Inclusivity
  • Metaverse Digital Art Digital Fashion
  • Intersection Between Creative Practices
  • Finding your Purpose in Life
Tom Chapman OBE New
Tom Chapman OBE Co Founder at Matches Fashion, Entreprenuer & Investor at Chapman Family Office
  • Investment Strategy
  • Technology
  • Fashion

Insights from Top Fashion Speakers and Designers

In the fashion business, trends change as frequently as the seasons. As a result, there is as well a peculiar charm in the potency of speech.

Cloth makers and fashion gurus do not produce only clothes but also stories, ideas titled debates, and revolutionary motions.

Therefore, talk shows in the fashion world are no longer only spaces; they have become culture hubs where expressing creativity and developing innovation is celebrated.

In the following article, we conduct our deep dive into the valuable insights from high-class fashion speakers and designers.

Style and Substance: Lessons from Top Fashion Keynote Speakers

Fashion isn't just about clothes; it's a world of possibilities waiting to be explored. From styling to designing, modeling to marketing, the fashion industry offers endless opportunities for those who are passionate about creativity and business savvy.

Lauren Di Bartolo, Australian Style Institue Founder

Lauren Di Bartolo also knows fashion herself, and being showcased in the fashion world is more than just a mere outlet of expression; it’s a business. There’s no telling when it might grow much bigger and grander. 

Through her experience, she has discovered that creativity and business have a symbiotic relationship in the fashion world. This is where fashion deviants are provided with chances for unconventional paths and explorations past stifling limits.

Jordan Drummond, Marketing and Communications Manager

For Marketing and Communications Manager Jordan Drummond, working in fashion means blending the best of both worlds: creative expression and business acumen. 

Her role allows her to immerse herself in the beauty of fashion while leveraging her strong business sense to drive success. And let's not forget the added perk of a flexible and stylish work wardrobe—a far cry from the confines of corporate attire.

Dalton Graham, Mentor

Having served as a mentor within the fashion industry, Dalton Graham has personally seen how much fashion is a force for change. 

Not much matters to his generation, and everything can change from their point of view through some elegant outfit or a disruptive business model. 

For Dalton, the most satisfying part of his work is watching these coming-out moments happening right before his eyes. This proves that fashion goes further: beyond its surface—it is a seed from which great things grow.

The Impact of Fashion Designers' Keynote Speeches

Fashion keynote speakers are not just individuals with expertise in design and style. They are influencers, trendsetters, and cultural icons who wield significant influence over the industry and beyond. They can shape perceptions, drive economic trends, and advocate for important social and environmental causes through their speeches.

From Creators to Trendsetters

Fashion keynote speakers come from diverse backgrounds and roles within the industry. From renowned designers who push the boundaries of creativity to models who embody beauty and style, each speaker brings a unique perspective and expertise. 

For example, a keynote speech from a top fashion designer may offer insights into the creative process behind their latest collection. In contrast, a model's speech might focus on body positivity and diversity in fashion.

Influencing Culture and Economy

The influence of fashion keynote speakers extends far beyond the runway. These speakers can shape cultural norms and consumer behavior by showcasing their innovative designs, advocating for sustainability practices, and championing diversity and inclusivity

For instance, a speech highlighting the importance of ethical fashion practices can inspire industry insiders and consumers to make more conscious purchasing decisions, thereby driving positive change within the fashion industry and beyond.

Bringing Historical and Cultural Insight

Speaker agencies specializing in fashion speakers curate a roster of talent from around the globe, offering event organizers access to diverse perspectives and experiences. 

These speakers provide valuable industry insights and offer historical and cultural context that enriches the audience's understanding of fashion's impact on society. 

For instance, a keynote speech from a fashion icon from a different cultural background can shed light on unique traditions, aesthetics, and design philosophies that contribute to the global tapestry of fashion.

How do you book fashion speakers for your event?

Booking fashion speakers for your high-profile event is a surefire way to elevate the glamour and prestige of your gathering. Here's a tailored guide to securing the perfect fashion speaker for your occasion:

Define Your Fashion Vision

Begin by crystallizing the fashion-forward vision of your event. Are you hosting a couture showcase, a trendsetting panel discussion, or a cutting-edge fashion tech summit? Clearly articulate the theme and objectives of your event to guide your speaker selection process.

Explore Fashion Speaker Agencies

Contact top-tier fashion speaker agencies renowned for representing industry luminaries and trendsetting icons. These agencies specialize in curating a roster of high-profile speakers with expertise spanning design, modeling, styling, entrepreneurship, and more.

For example, Speaker Agency specializes in helping you get the best speaker for your fashion event.

Curate a Stellar Speaker Shortlist

Visit portfolios of prospective fashion commentators through prominent agencies. Engage creative people with impeccable credentials and strong backgrounds, and be in touch with your event's special spirit and ambiance. 

Choose hosts that captivate the philosophy of innovation, inventiveness, and force similar to its trademark style.

Engage in Thoughtful Outreach

Contact the shortlisted ones you would love to have as fashion speakers, thank them for their work, and send an official invitation of choice. Give specifications on when and where the event will take place, along with any other details about who the audience will be. Depending on these factors, a contact session should spark their interest.

Seal the Deal with Panache

After the terms are agreed, make the booking formal by executing a contract which will prescribe what is essential to them everlastingly. 

How would they induce or persuade any individual who wants to inquire about their crisis to help completely move Medic volunteers upon? 

In this, Avoid speculation about the need to speak, topics of presentation, and logistical implications to reduce ambiguity.

Promote the Fashion Speaker and Event

Generate an air of anticipation and buzz to build around your event by promoting the esteemed fashion speaker and their much talked-about presentation. Utilize social media, press releases, relevant trade magazines, and engaging influencers to heighten awareness and create traction for your event.

Follow-Up and Feedback

Show thankfulness towards your fashion speaker for the precious contribution made to your event, then, at that point, urge input to find out about potential events. 

Develop a long-term relationship with both your speaker and the agency, striving to maintain an emotional bond that harbors future business deals with mutual win-win results.


Fashion speakers are essential for events, as they bring audiences expertise, inspiration, and fresh perspectives. At Speaker Agency, we specialize in connecting businesses with top fashion speakers who can make their events memorable. 

Our website showcases these speakers and their unique topics in a way that's easy to understand and find. 

So, whether you're hosting a fashion show, conference, or panel discussion, Speaker Agency has you covered with the best fashion speakers.

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