Speaker Agency Sustainability Speakers, share their insights on the latest help make a difference to the future of the planet.
People across the world are becoming more environmentally aware because our built environment is not the only thing that surrounds us. We feel the effects of global warming with each passing year. This has resulted in a growing demand for the world to turn more eco-conscious.
Fast industrial developments have been compromising the ability of the planet to overcome their negative impact. Hence more people are starting to care about the place we live. As consumers become conscious about the products they are purchasing, businesses are finding themselves turning green.
For example, green buildings are becoming more popular (both commercial and residential properties). Eco friendly products which cause less harm to the environment are being sought after. Sustainability has become the talk of the day, as businesses try to find ways to turn their operations green.
The United Nations introduced the “17 sustainable development goals” which carried sustainability to a global level. Sustainability speakers can help you inform people about what they can do to adopt green practices which eventually benefit the environment.
Sustainability talks can help spread awareness of environmental issues, and what businesses can do about them. There are many businesses wanting to go green, but cannot figure out what they need to do to start the process. Environmental sustainability might be the answer to end extreme poverty and to enhance the quality of life. Speakers on sustainability can provide such businesses with the know-how they need, to begin their journey into sustainability.
Thinking in eco sustainable ways and practising business in an eco sustainable meaning are more important than ever. Because then we can understand why sustainability is important for development.
The future of the planet depends on businesses as well as individuals, adopting sustainable practices in accordance with the global goals. Sustainable development goals are long term goals. However, you'll need to set short term actionable goals if you want to create an impact on the environment.
If you're wondering whom to invite to speak at your sustainability talks, here are some talented sustainability speakers worth considering.
Ambarish Mitra is a well known entrepreneur in the fields of technology and AI. He founded Blippar, which specialised in AI, augmented reality, and computer vision. He is also the co-founder of Greyparrot, a startup which uses AI and deep learning to tackle waste management.
He talks about augmented reality and AI including his own entrepreneurship journey. He speaks about how the sustainable development goals (SDGS of the UN) can be expedited using AI. He explains how AI will be needed to help make the world a better place by 2050.
Ambarish has appeared at various talks including TED talks, the World Economic Forum, Harvard Business School, Davos, and many other places.
In 2012, Felicity became the first woman to ski across Antarctica all by herself. It took her 59 days to complete the 1084 mile journey. She has spoken about the motivation it took for her to complete her journey. She's spoken about persevering, meaning how her audience can cultivate vital qualities even when they feel vulnerable or stressed.
She's spoken about leadership, diversity, teamwork, climate and environment, and more. She’s the perfect resource on sustainability talks. If you want to find out more about green practices with a touch of motivation, connect with Felicity.
Gerd is a futurist, a humanist, an author, as well as a filmmaker. He has a focus on actionable observations within the next decade, when it comes to technology, business, and culture. He is knowledgeable about various industries, such as technology and AI.
Gerd Leonhard can also speak on healthcare and big-pharma, as well as insurance or even banking. He is also an expert on building sustainability.
Gerd has given talks on how sustainability will be linked to the ability to profit and the role of technology. In his speeches, he gives information about digital ethics, and more. As a speaker, he has visited over sixty countries and spoken in front of 2.5 million people. His focus is on the future of humanity, and how it links to technology, AI, digital ethics, and more.
Melissa is a design scientist as well as a systems theorist. She is recognized globally as an authority when it comes to science, design, technology, and sustainable thinking. She has previously received the Mensa Education and Research Foundation International Award. This was for creating enhanced intelligence that can be useful for society.
She is well known as a futurist, and has sounded herself consulting both at the private and the public sector level. She's given talks on biological networks within cities and planetary futures. She provides information about energy efficient and sustainable products. Melissa Sterry talks about bionic cities and ecological urbanism along with business ethics and sustainability.
Linda is a programmer based in Helsinki. She is an illustrator and a storyteller. She is known for writing the book series 'Hello Ruby', which have been translated into more than twenty five languages. She has previously given TED talks as well.
Linda has also worked in the edutech industry, and is known for her programming skills. She founded Rails Girls, where she helps global women learn the basics of programming.
Through her talks, Linda has spoken on programming and AI, on innovation and design, on education as well as societal impact. Linda has also given talks on moving towards a more humane tech industry, and on navigating the new frontiers of technology. Linda is a green building speaker (green building council speaker) who can help people and businesses learn to be sustainable.
If you want to build awareness of sustainability among people or businesses, then sustainability speakers can help you spread that information. You can find more about the pillars of sustainability through our speakers.
To connect with these sustainability speakers, email us at 'info@speakeragency.co.uk' or give us a call +44 (0) 20 3393 1061. You can always check out the bio of the sustainability speaker that you want to book, and click on 'book now'.