Keynote Speaker
Catherine Knibbs 2025 Speech Titles
- Why we do what we do online (needs and e-ttachment), healthy development in a world of technology
- Cybersecurity and the human who ‘humans’ (why mistakes are really made), addiction is not the answer, tech is not the cure
- Porn viewing in children and young people: why it’s not use or consumption
- Cyber trauma what is it?
- Online Harm(s), sexual imagery of children and why we need to listen more carefully and stop the adults
Catherine Knibbs's Biography
Cath is a researcher, author, trauma clinician with children and adults, supervisor, educator, speaker and mum with a background in the Armed Forces Engineering and Optronics, IT, Gaming and Psychology alongside Functional Health and her other passion of Neuroscience. She is a polymath and pattern recognition nerd. She synthesises the presenting issues that people bring to her clinic around online harms and our behaviours online with child development theories, science and research to highlight the larger issues at hand for the human race. She is a futurist regarding the issues we face as we progress with exponential technology. She is an advocate for ethical tech and our rights and freedoms to privacy and protection now and in the future. She educates professionals on data protection, cybersecurity and privacy laws and provides online safeguarding training to give those responsible for children a wake-up call as to the spaces children need protection in and around. She is nearing the end of her PhD and writing another book or two, blogging and finding time to sleep. She hasn’t invented a time expansion or travel machine yet to assist with all the things she has yet to achieve. She blogs regularly, uses technology for trauma (and is a geek supervisor and therapist) and on her website you can find out more information as she is a director for Privacy4 Ltd, Online Safety UK and Mental Health Advisor to Gamers Beat Cancer Charity.