Dr Aaron Balick

 Dr Aaron Balick Psychology : Applied | People | Business | Culture | Tech | Society. Author, Keynote Speaker, Psychotherapist, and Consultant.


Speaker Solutions

Keynote Speaker

 Dr Aaron Balick  2025 Speech Titles Dr Aaron Balick 2025 Speech Titles

  • The Psychology of Technology
  • Psychological Wellbeing and Excellence in the Workplace
  • The Elements of Personal Leadership

Dr Aaron Balick's Biography

Central to Aaron's approach is ensuring that his talks aren’t just about something, but that he offers accessible concepts and useful practices that can his listeners can take home to directly and positively impact their lives and those around them. All Aaron's keynotes draw on established psychological research at the cutting edge.​  

Keynote Synopsis

The Psychology of Technology​ Aaron literally wrote the book on the psychology of social media - in fact the first book to apply psychodynamic thinking to this important phenomena. Navigating the world of social media and other technologies, from smartphones to AI, can be a challenge. From online dating to business communication technologies, we all need to better understand the nature of our reliance on technology and the consequences it has on our lives. Aaron draws on his deep understanding of the psychology of technology to enable us to make better choices about how we engage with it personally, as well as how businesses can integrate technology more humanely within the workplace.​

Psychological Wellbeing and Excellence in the Workplace​ Drawing on research and practices from emotional intelligence, mindfulness, positive psychology, psychoanalysis, and clinical psychology, Aaron offers direct insights and practices into how leaders, managers, and teams can better work together in creating psychologically safe, emotionally intelligent, flourishingly, productive, and creative workplaces.​

The Elements of Personal Leadership​ Incorporating the importance of individual differences and knowing that there is no "one size fits all" approach to human flourishing, Aaron has developed an inclusive psychological model that accepts the complexity within us all. Before we can lead others, we must learn to lead and trust ourselves. We can do this by identifying our own conflicting needs and developing an "internal leader" to guide us in the direction that best suits us and those around us. 

Dr Aaron Balick is ready to inspire your teams!
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Dr Aaron Balick testimonials

Hamayesh Farazan Co.

Hamayesh Farazan Co.

A world-class thought-provoking speaker who made our event a massive success



Aaron delivers high-quality content that applies directly personal and professional lives

Freud Museum


Aaron uses interesting real-world examples to explain complex theories



Aaron's mental-health content was spot-on and specifically tailored for our audience

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