Keynote Speaker
Professor Kevin Curran 2025 Speech Titles
- Cybersecurity
- Homomorphic Encryption
- Cloud Computing
- Hacking Techniques
Professor Kevin Curran's Biography
Kevin Curran is a Professor of Cyber Security, Executive Co-Director of the Legal innovation Centre and group leader of the Cyber Security and Web Technologies Research Group at Ulster University.
Professor Curran is a Fellow of the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA) in recognition of his outstanding contribution to Cybersecurity in the UK.
He is also a senior member of the IEEE. Prof Curran is globally recognized as a security Top Influencer "IFSEC Global influencers in security and fire 2020" in category Security thought leadership. He was ranked #2. He sits on the Advisory Group of the UK Cyber Security Council and the Northern Ireland Civil Service Cyber Leadership Board. He is also a senior member of the IEEE and a Fellow of the British Blockchain Association (FBBA).
Prof Curran is perhaps most well-known for his work on cyber security, blockchain and networking evidenced by over 1000 publications. Google Scholar lists his citations as 9200 with h-index of 38 and i10-index of 142. He is one of the most interviewed technology experts in the UK with over 2000+ interviews in recent years.